How much do you know about the European Commission and its prerogatives? Find out more from our lawyers, below! The European Union is a community of 27 European nations, united around common political, economic, cultural and social values. How does the European Union work? To…
You can read the first part of this article here. The provisions inserted in the second part of the TFEU under the heading Non-discrimination and citizenship of the Union serve as a guide for the study of the state of the European citizen. The text…
The fact that you are a citizen of Romania or of any other EU country automatically gives you the status of an EU citizen. As such, you can enjoy many of the rights provided by EU law, in particular the right to move freely throughout…
Do you want to know more about the European Union? Or you are just curious how this community was formed and what is its history? Find out more below! What is the European Union? The European Union is a community of 27 European nations which…
In the words of John Bruton, former ambassador of the European Union, “This union/alliance between states is the most successful invention appeared in the name of international peace”. However, little is known about its composition, its functioning or even the purpose and the foundation of…