The moment when, as a current student and future university student, you have to think about the path you will follow in life is a difficult one, but essential for shaping you into a successful future adult. It may seem intimidating when you think about…
The experience of the first year at a law school is categorically subjective, however there are certain common elements regarding the characteristics of the academic year. So, after deciding either long in advance or belatedly that you want to create a career in the field…
There are several places where you can spend your time in a quality way in Bucharest. For example, museums can be a real opportunity to enrich your general culture or to relax in a welcoming, specially designed environment. Of course, there are many such places…
The Law School in Romania, apart from a university organization, however as a superior form of education, was founded in a favorable era for the affirmation of the Romanian people, in the context of the propagation of Enlightenment ideas on the native territory, when the…
New year is an opportunity to look back on what happened to us in the previous year, assess our progress and, of course, have fun. Depending on the geographical area, but also on the opportunities offered, you can celebrate the New Year in Romania in…
December 1st is considered a national day, as we celebrate the union of Transylvania, Crișana and Maramureș with Romania. In history, it remained the name “Great Union of December 1, 1918” and it took place in Alba Iulia. There are several activities that are organized,…
If you are a foreign citizen or expat settled in Romania, you might be curious about how is Christmas celebrated here, compared to other countries. Although the celebrations are quite similar all over the world, there are also some specific traditions, which we will present…
Even if winter comes into its own in an atypical way, late compared to what we expected, the cold season comes with different opportunities if you live in Romania or you choose to spend your vacation in this country. Try skiing on one of our…
Quite often, Romania is chosen by foreign citizens to have residence (and even domicile) in this country, according to the moderate standard of living, but also to the advantage of a location where all types of landscape blend perfectly. Thus, once arrived here, foreign citizens…
It is known that Romania, due to its various landform, is a truly special country – a place which makes you want to know its mystery and enter this truly magical world. If you are about to plan your summer vacation, but you have not…