Ruxandra Visoiu from R&R Partners was featured on the Lawyer Stories platform with her story about becoming a lawyer and what drove her to this profession: I am a practicing attorney in Bucharest, Romania and I really love my job. But I wasn’t one of…, the #1 Romanian website for legal resources, interviewed Ruxandra Visoiu and Remus Popovici about starting their own legal firm before 30 and the challenges thereof! For more details, check out the link here. If you would like to address more questions or if you need…
Remus Popovici, legal adviser at R&R Partners,was invited as special guest at the Juridica TV show, presented by Raluca Gaina at Linkpress TV. The subjects discussed ranged from interesting legal aspects on company law and immigration, to the latest law amendments and legal news. Check out the link…